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Resource hub
Welcome to our resource hub, your one-stop shop for all things Vegware. Discover a range of videos about our fantastic products, composting stories, case studies, and informative webinars.

Vegware Academy

Module 1:
Company overview

Module 2:

Module 3:

Module 4:
Custom print

Module 5:
Hot cups, hot cup extras & cold cups

Module 6:
Food & deli containers, takeaway boxes and fast food

Module 7:
Sandwich boxes, platters, salad boxes and cutlery

Module 8:
Napkins, sheets, bags to go, hot bags & wraps, stickers and bin liners
Transparency talks is a series of webinars giving you acccess to Vegware experts on product, materials, composting and more. Find all our Transparency Talks webinars here.

The Green Claims Code
No more bold claims

The psychology of getting packaging into the right bin
Compostable Coalition UK

What is the Bioeconomy?
With DR Jen Vanderhoven

UK Plastics Bans:
What's banned, where and how to make the switch

Case studies
Find out how we work with customers to compost their Vegware products.

Closing the lop with SWG3
Music venue, Glasgow

Composting with the University of Roehampton
On-site composting

Hitting the high note:
Composting at the Royal Opera House

On-site composting
With Vegware, Tidy Planet and Dundee & Angus college

Vegware & Elior
Partners in sustainability

River Cottage goes compostable
Spring Food Fair
The certification is a testament to Vegware’s dedication to fostering positive change. By meeting rigorous social and environmental performance standards, we have joined a global community of businesses that prioritises environment, people, community and also purpose.